Courses and Online Resources

If you would like to learn more about the use of any of our cutters, we believe the best way is to join in a local class. Here you will not only learn easier and different ways of using many products, including ours, but will also have fun meeting new fellow sugarcraft enthusiasts.

We would like to start a list of courses available using our products, so please, if you are a sugarcraft tutor, retail shop holding classes or just know of something happening in your area please email us the details. We will then add the details (with links where appropriate) to the site.

Not everyone will have a course in their area or be able to travel to one. We have started to see some tutors offering on line courses. We believe this offers a really good alternative and are happy to promote any such courses that use our cutters.

Finally, if you have seen a video or information on line which you think will help our customers to make better use of ur products please email us the details and if possible we will share the link on our site and Facebook page.

Courses :

Online Courses:


Online Resources:

Other Resources:

These two books provide the perfect reference to make sugar roses and orchids. Written by Tombi Peck, Alan Dunn and Tony Warren the work is incredibly fine and detailed. Many of the cutters used in the books are available from our range.